Digital Scrapbooking
I get the cutest fonts from Free Scrapbook Fonts!

Wild Blueberry Ink Anniversary Giveaway!!!

The first item in this giveaway is the collab kit Shirley did with Creations by TinaMarie!! You will get their collab kit (it contains 23 papers and 58 elements) which comes with a quick page you can quickly scrap your favorite grandparent moment with and a hybrid card that you can print and send to the grandparents in your life on National Grandparent’s Day - September 12, 2010 in the U.S.  There are also two add on's that are FABULOUS!!  To visit WBI blog and get further details please CLICK HERE!

Grand Love

Created using Jen Martakis Designs Simple Starts No 17 (Two Peas in a Bucket) that I modified and Grand Love Digikit, a collab by Wild Blueberry Ink and Creations by TinaMarie! TFL!

Family Time

For this layout I used Freeway Map 7 from Roadside can find this FREE template on her blog!  I also used Click DigiKit from Angel Hartline can find this awesome kit HERE!

FREE template by Roadside Designs!!!

Suzanne from Roadside Designs has a new freebie for everyone!!!  ENJOY!!

Fairy Tale Vacation

Created this layout using the adorable Book Worm DigiKit by Angel Hartline Designs (the Studio) and Expressway Map 9 by Roadside Designs (Two Little Pixels).  TFL!!


Here is a peek at what Miss Jen Martakis has added to her shop at Two Peas in a Bucket today!  I love this darn cute!!

Under Construction!!!

Please forgive the blog is under construction!!!  I am so excited to have Kristina Proffitt from Blog Designs by Two Happy Mama's put together a new..VERY COOL blog design just for me!  If you've wanted a blog that reflects you and are like me (totally clueless when it comes to Blogger!)  check out Crystal and Kristina's blog HERE to get more info and to view their sample blogs.  I can't wait to see the final product..YIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE!!!!  THANK YOU KRISTINA!!  You rock!! :D

Up,Up & Away!!!

Can you tell which paper is my favorite???  These are layouts I did using Up, Up & Away DigiKit by Angel Hartline Designs, JW DigiScraps, Piggy Scraps Design, and Shelly Marie Scraps, which is just perfect for a day of playing in the park, flying a lovely kite, or daydreaming as you watch the clouds go by.  Click here to check out this awesome NEW kit!!


Created using Click! Mega Collab from Angel Hartline Designs and JW-DigiScraps. You can find this amazingly aWesoMe kit at Digital Scrapbooking Studio. These are pics from our first trip to a Missoula Osprey game! :D

Owl Tree Studio August Reveals!!!

{also used Freeway Map 4 by Roadside Designs}

Here are some of the layouts that I have created using DigiKits that are available for the month of August ONLY at Owl Tree Studio.  To check out the kit reveals CLICK HERE!  GO CHECK IT OUT NOW!! ;)